Oblivion is a 2013 American post-apocalyptic science fiction film based on Joseph Kosinski's Radical Comics edited unpublished graphic novel of the same name. The film was co-written, produced and directed by Kosinski. It stars Tom Cruise. The film was initially scheduled for release on July 10, 2013. Since the 3D re-release of Jurassic Park was set for April 5, 2013, the US release date was moved forward to April 19, 2013. According to Kosinski, Oblivion pays homage to science fiction films of the 1970s. It is Cruise's twentieth film to gross more than $200 million worldwide.
The film received favorable reviews. The acting and visual effects were well praised, while critiques of the story were mixed.
On June 28, 2012, it was announced that French electronic/shoegaze band M83 would compose the soundtrack for Oblivion. On why he chose M83 to score the film, director Joseph Kosinski said, "I went back and I found my first treatment for Oblivion from 2005 and it had listed in the treatment a soundtrack of M83. Obviously the Tron: Legacy collaboration with Daft Punk
worked out as good as I would have ever hoped, [so] I wanted to do
something similar in that I’m pulling an artist from outside the movie
business to create an original sound for this film." Kosinski continued,
"Daft Punk’s music wouldn’t make sense for this movie. It had to be an
artist whose music fit the themes and story I was trying to tell. And
M83’s music I felt was fresh and original, and big and epic, but at the
same time emotional and this is a very emotional film and it felt like a
good fit."
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